Semiconductors Shortage

Shortage 10% of the global semiconductors demand comes from the automotive industry. The onset of the current chip shortage lies in covid-induced global shutdowns. The shutdown led to a drastic reduction in global demand for semiconductors. But rather unanticipated, demand for chips recovered in Q3/20 as consumers increased their use and purchase of electronics, especially […]

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The Frontier Remains On the Internet

As of 2021, it is estimated that there are about 4.66 billion people with internet access… Considering the world population is breaching 8 billion, I think this figure is still shockingly low. And with this insufficiency comes opportunities. More people are now being assimilated by the Great Internet Age at a faster-than-ever pace. Digital technology has […]

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Bitcoins – A definitive guide for the laymen

It is now 2021… and no matter who you are, you’ve probably heard about “Bitcoins” somewhere at some point in recent years, whether from a friend/family, the media (most common), your co-worker, or Bob the-always-half-naked-dude down the block. Yet despite how ubiquitously “bitcoin” seems to be plastered everywhere, most people still couldn’t really wrap their […]

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The Videogaming Industry

    At the time of writing this article in Jun 2021, the video gaming market was estimated at $208billion in 2020. The gaming industry is expected to further growing at 5% CAGR over the next 4 years.   The proliferation of video gaming over the past several decades has vindicated the wide emergence of […]

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A New Commodities Supercycle

Commodities supercycles are decades long periods in which certain commodities experience price appreciation at paces and magnitudes greater than those experienced in other periods of typical up and downswings. A few instances of commodities supercycles in recent history include the era of 1910s (in which rapid urbanization of the US drove demand for various commodities), […]

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ARNC: A good Q1/21

Arconic Inc. is a company that I’ve been following and am invested in since Oct 2020. It spun off of Howmet in Apr 2020 and is a manufacturer of aluminum sheet rolled products used in ground transportation, industrial packaging, and building construction. The stock languished since November 2020 and still trades at a relatively sizable […]

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Options Series – #1 Credit Spreads

Some rule of thumbs for establishing credit spreads (from TastyTrade) – short delta 30 strikes – seek to collect 1/3 of the width of the strikes in premium sold.  – based on a short 30 delta, long strike should be optimally placed between 10 and 20 delta, at which would grant you 1/3 of the […]

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The Importance of the Individual within a Collective System

In both economic and political systems, it is undeniable that the actual microcosmic individuals constitute the said systems. Yet in both systems, there is a tendency to stray from focusing on the individual to focusing on the overall health/robustness of the systems as a whole. This focus on the whole mostly pertains to ensuring that […]

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Mar 16, 2020 – Outlook for the rest of the year.

It wasn’t that long ago – approximately 1 week – that I saw the JRE podcast featuring Michael Osterholm stating matter-of-factly that we need to embrace for a Coronavirus winter, not a few weeks of inconvinent pain… Hearing the take, I thought it was alot more severe than the consensus at the time, to the […]

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